Working together

EHP professionals work together in order to provide comprehensive, joined-up education and health services.

How do EHP professionals work together?

EHP professionals work together in the following ways:

Information sharing

EHP professionals share non-confidential information with other professionals working with an individual. This facilitates smooth, seamless integration of our services, reducing the need to repeat information.

Group supervision

EHP professionals take part in group supervision to receive professional support in relation to cases. Group supervision facilitates input from multiple specialists without the need for internal referrals.

Suitable professionals

When a referral to EHP is received, a multidisciplinary meeting will take place to ensure that the most appropriate EHP professional is matched with the referral.

Flexible partnerships

There are occasions when an alternative professional is required to carry out an assessment, or to design an intervention. In these cases, under a service level agreement, it is simple to bring in another specialist for specific aspects of our input.


We work together and support each other. Each specialism uses assistants and support staff to increase flexibility, accessibility and cost-effectiveness to EHP services. EHP has education assistants, health assistants, assistant psychologists and SEND assistants.

What are the benefits of working together?

Working together brings many benefits to individuals, groups and education settings, including:

  • Achieving agreed outcomes
  • Integrated education and health support
  • Joint understanding, planning and delivery
  • Improved positive outcomes
  • Maximising potential
  • Promoting wellbeing
  • High quality, specialist provision
  • Efficient use of funding
  • Effective education and health services

Working together promotes personalised and integrated support for children and young people. Our professionals work in partnership with children, young people, education staff and parents/carers. Our professionals work together where possible for all of our services. To find out how we can help, please contact us on or phone us on 0330 088 8408.

[Joint commissioning arrangements] should aim to provide personalised, integrated support that delivers positive outcomes for children and young people, bringing together support across education, health and social care from early childhood through to adult life, and improves planning for transition points such as between early years, school and college...

SEND code of practice (2015)

Therapists have important and specific roles in supporting children and young people with SEN or disabilities, working directly with children and young people, advising and training education staff and setting programmes for implementation at home and in school.

SEND code of practice (2015)

Schools, including early years providers, and post-16 settings can also be commissioners in their own right. Schools have a notional SEN budget and many schools will commission services (such as speech and language therapy, pastoral care and counselling services) to support pupils.

SEND code of practice (2015)

Schools also have duties to make reasonable adjustments for disabled children and young people, to support medical conditions and to inform parents and young people if SEN provision is made for them.

Mainstream colleges have duties to use best endeavours to make the provision required to meet the SEN of children and young people. Mainstream and special colleges must also co-operate with the local authority in drawing up and reviewing the Local Offer.

All colleges have duties to make reasonable adjustments for disabled children and young people.

SEND code of practice (2015)

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If you would like to find out more about the services we offer or to book a free initial discussion then please contact us on email

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