Post-16 Team

We provide specialist social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) services to post-16 settings.

What is the Post-16 Team?

Our Post-16 Team provide specialist social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) support to all post-16 settings to maximise students' potentials and increase emotional wellbeing.

Colleges should ensure they have access to external specialist services and expertise. These can include, for example, educational psychologists, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS), specialist teachers and support services, supported employment services and therapists. They can be involved at any point for help or advice on the best way to support a student with SEN or a disability. Specialist help should be involved where the student's needs are not being met by the strong, evidence-based support provided by the college. Where, despite the college having taken relevant and purposeful action to identify, assess and meet the needs of the student, the student is still not making the expected progress, the college or young person should consider requesting an EHC needs assessment

SEND Code of Practice, 2015

What does EHP's Post-16 Team do?

EHP's Post-16 Team reduces future risk of social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) difficulties which emerge within post-16 settings in young people by providing early intervention to prevent the escalation of SEMH needs.

Who can access our Post-16 Team?

All post-16 education providers can access our Post-16 Team, this includes:

  • Sixth forms
  • Colleges
  • Apprenticeship providers
  • Residential education providers
  • Internship providers
  • Alternative post-16 provision
  • Universities
  • Correctional facilities

If you are a post-16 education provider which is not listed above then please get in touch to see how our Post-16 Team can support your needs.

Which professionals from within EHP are in our Post-16 Team?

Our Post-16 Team consists of professionals who specialise in both SEMH and post-16 education, including:

  • Educational psychologists
  • Clinical psychologists
  • Social workers
  • Special educational needs consultants
  • School nurses

The combination of specialists ensures that all levels of need within post-16 settings can be fully supported and addressed.

We're registered

EHP is registered with all major professional memberships.

Which young people does our Post-16 Team support?

Our Post-16 Team supports students within post-16 settings who are displaying SEMH or emotional wellbeing challenges, such as:

  • Anxiety
  • Fear of independence
  • Low mood
  • Stress
  • Bullying
  • Relationships
  • Anger
  • Low self-esteem

Our professionals are able to support the SEMH needs of all students, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. There are many ways to display SEMH needs, and we hope that by offering instant access to our Post-16 Team that we facilitate early needs identification.

Who we work with

Our specialist services can be accessed by education, health and other professions working with children and young people.

Why is early SEMH needs identification and intervention important within post-16 settings?

Addressing emerging SEMH needs through early SEMH needs identification and intervention provides opportunities to reduce the impact they have on a young person's life, both now and in the future. SEMH needs can evolve quickly due to the pressure young people are under in regards to their studies and futures.

Ensure young people have access to pastoral care and support, as well as specialist services, so that emotional, social and behavioural problems can be dealt with as soon as they occur. (Specialist services include child and adolescent mental health services.)

NICE - Social and emotional wellbeing in secondary education

What types of screening and assessments can EHP's Post-16 Team provide?

EHP's Post-16 Team provide a broad range of screening and assessments to identify SEMH needs among young people in all post-16 settings. Our screening can be delivered by our Post-16 Team or a member of your setting can be trained to carry out screening. If screening has previously been carried out then our Post-16 Team can analyse the data to identify at-risk young people. We offer a broad range of screening and assessments for SEMH needs identification which can be carried out by our specialist Post-16 Team within all post-16 settings.

What interventions can our Post-16 Team deliver?

Our Post-16 Team deliver individual and group interventions which are specific to the needs of young people in post-16 settings. Interventions we offer include:

  • Understanding and managing difficult emotions
  • Emotional wellbeing
  • Confidence building
  • Supporting life skills
  • Dealing with stress
  • Emotional regulation
  • Conflict management and resolution
  • Building positive relationships
  • Understanding and communicating feelings
  • Problem solving
  • Exam preparation

Interventions provided by our Post-16 Team empower young people to support their SEMH needs in the future should the needs or situations return. Individual interventions facilitate intensive therapeutic support, whilst groups provide additional peer support and shared experiences.

What systemic work do our Post-16 Team provide?

Our Post-16 Team provide systemic services to suit a variety of post-16 settings. Taking a holistic approach to SEMH within a post-16 setting increases emotional wellbeing and mental health. Systemic work is bespoke to each setting's needs and requirements, examples of systemic work our Post-16 Team offer are:

  • Consultations with students and staff
  • Promoting student and staff emotional wellbeing and mental health
  • Implementing group supervision for staff
  • Helping post-16 settings to develop policies in line with current government legislation and requirements related to SEMH
  • Implementing clear systems for SEMH needs identification and support
  • Environmental reviews
  • CPD opportunities
  • SEMH workshops
  • Drop in support sessions

Systemic work provided by our specialist Post-16 Team promotes sustainable long-term changes in relation to the SEMH needs of students and staff within your post-16 setting.

What training can our Post-16 Team deliver?

Our Post-16 Team delivers a broad range of training to staff in relation to SEMH in young people and post-16 settings, including:

  • Anxiety and low mood
  • Appropriate and inappropriate relationships
  • Assessing and planning for the future
  • Risk assessing for mental health difficulties
  • Resilience
  • Coping strategies
  • Eating disorders
  • Self-harm
  • Learning difficulties and mental health
  • Mindfulness and emotional wellbeing
  • Identity
  • How to deal confidently with difficult issues

Bespoke training topics are also available for your post-16 setting. Training sessions can be delivered onsite and offsite according to requirements, and adapted to take the form of a workshop. Our training and CPD opportunities provide post-16 settings with the knowledge and skills required to support the broad range of SEMH needs young people encounter.


Our training is available on and off site for education settings and organisations in relation to health, psychology and education.

Why use EHP's Post-16 Team?

EHP's Post-16 Team is made up of professionals who specialise in post-16 education and SEMH needs. To reduce the risks associated with SEMH we:

  • Support systemic, sustainable approaches
  • Promote and facilitate early SEMH needs identification
  • Provide instant access to our specialist post-16 SEMH services
  • Achieve shared outcomes
  • Work with all levels of need
  • Provide onsite services
  • Provide bespoke training to suit needs
  • Offer bespoke support packages
  • Provide flexible intervention packages

Our multidisciplinary specialist Post-16 Team brings many benefits to young people and staff within post-16 settings. Our professionals have extensive experience supporting the needs of young people within the extended 16-25 age range.

Poor mental health undermines educational attainment. Surveys suggest that disproportionately large numbers of pupils with conduct and emotional disorders fall behind in their overall educational attainment, missing school and/or being excluded.

Mental health and behaviour in schools, 2016

Next steps

  • Step 1.Interested?
  • Step 2.Request more information
  • Step 3.Commission EHP


Our services can be funded through a variety of ways.

Schools and colleges should consider funding from Access to Work, available from the Department for Work and Pensions, as a potential source of practical support for people with disabilities or health (including mental health) conditions on entering work and apprenticeships, as well as the in-work elements of traineeships or supported internships.

SEND Code of Practice, 2015

DSAs are available to help students in higher education with the extra costs they may incur on their course because of a disability. This can include an ongoing health condition, mental health condition or specific learning difficulty such as dyslexia.

SEND Code of Practice, 2015

Through taking a specialist, proactive approach to SEMH needs our Post-16 Team reduces the impact caused by SEMH needs within post-16 settings. Preparing young people for their life after post-16 education is vital to promoting positive emotional wellbeing and mental health. We provide instant access to our Post-16 Team in order to respond efficiently to emerging SEMH needs.

Commission EHP

Our specialist multidisciplinary services can be commissioned through a service level agreement and as standalone input.

Get in touch

If you would like to find out more about the services we offer or to book a free initial discussion then please contact us on email

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