Early years

We provide SEND consultancy services to early years settings to facilitate early identification and to put preventative measures and management strategies in place.

What SEND consultancy services do we offer to early years settings?

There are many SEND consultancy services we offer to early years settings in relation to needs identification, addressing needs, preventative interventions and applying specialist knowledge. Our SEND consultants offer services on an individual, targeted and on a systemic level.

How do we work on an individual level?

Within early years settings, SEND consultancy on an individual level usually relates to individual case consultancy, transitions, school placements, advice in relation to an application for an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan or information about referrals to education and health professionals.

How do we work on a targeted level?

Our SEND consultants work on a targeted level to promote positive change within targeted groups. Targeted work can include work related to the following:

  • Inclusion rooms
  • Parent / carer involvement
  • Behaviour programmes
  • Provision mapping
  • Condition specific interventions

Our consultants are flexible and adaptable in order to provide the most effective service.

How do we work on a systemic level?

Working on a systemic level can be done in various ways to suit each early years setting. Examples of the work our SEND consultants can do on a systemic level include:

  • SEND surgeries
  • Learning walks
  • Implementing the SEND code of practice (2015)
  • Provision implementation
  • Training
  • Inclusion
  • Identifying areas of need

Using specialist expertise our SEND consultants provide services to early years settings to support a broad range of needs. Taking a proactive and preventative approach supports children in preparing for adulthood from the earliest age. To find out more about our SEND consultancy services in early years settings, please contact us via email on .

Get in touch

If you would like to find out more about the services we offer or to book a free initial discussion then please contact us on email

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