Local authorities

Our SEND consultancy services can be used by all local authorities. For local authorities outside of the North West of England we will charge for travel costs if required.

What SEND consultancy services do we offer to local authorities?

All of our SEND consultancy services are available to local authorities and can be commissioned on behalf of a local authority, an education setting, a targeted group or an individual.

How do we work on an individual level?

On an individual level our SEND consultants usually carry out individual case consultancy work. If there is alternative work required on an individual level then please contact us via email on to see how we can help.

How do we work on a targeted level?

There are many opportunities for our SEND consultants to work on a targeted level. The most common targeted level is training to specific groups, and designing group interventions.

How do we work on a systemic level?

Working on a systemic level within a local authority brings many possibilities to facilitate positive changes to a broad range of individuals. Examples of systemic work we can provide include:

  • Whole staff training
  • Provision implementation
  • Strategic reviews and audits
  • Inclusion

Our SEND consultants are specialists in education and health so they can provide input on a broad range of needs. To find out more about the services we provide to local authorities, please contact us via email on

Get in touch

If you would like to find out more about the services we offer or to book a free initial discussion then please contact us on email

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