Apprenticeship settings

We provide education and health services to apprenticeship settings.

What services do we provide to apprenticeship settings?

We provide apprenticeship settings with all the services needed to support a broad range of needs, including:

Apprenticeship settings can also access services from our social, emotional and mental health for schools (SEMHS) service.

How do we work with apprenticeship settings?

We work with apprenticeship settings to address the needs of their apprentices. Our professionals work in partnership with apprenticeship settings to provide the support they require. We can work with apprenticeship settings to provide bespoke onsite training in addition to relevant external CPD events we run throughout the year.

How can apprenticeship settings commission our services?

Our services can be commissioned by apprenticeship settings through a service level agreement for a period of time, or on a standalone basis for isolated services. A service level agreement facilitates our multidisciplinary approach and is bespoke according to each setting's requirements. If our services are being commissioned on behalf of an individual with an education, health and care (EHC) plan then the commissioning process would be through a service level agreement. To arrange a discussion, or to find out more please get in touch.

Support should generally cease at the end of the academic year, to allow young people to complete their programme of study. In the case of a young person who reaches their 25th birthday before their course has ended, the EHC plan can be maintained until the end of the academic year in which they turn 25 (or the day the apprenticeship or course ends, or the day before their 26th birthday if later). It is important that a child or young person's exit from an EHC plan is planned carefully, to support smooth transitions and effective preparation for adulthood.

SEND code of practice, 2015

How can apprenticeship settings refer to our specialist education and health services?

Referral to our specialist education and health services is simple and can be done in a variety of ways. Apprenticeship settings can refer online , via emailing . We accept referrals for all areas and levels of education and health needs.

What are the benefits of using EHP?

There are many benefits of using EHP's specialist education and health service within apprenticeship settings as we provide:

  • Immediate access to a range of specialists
  • Bespoke, onsite services
  • Flexible, reliable and solution focused services
  • Integrated services within apprenticeship settings

Which young people do we work with?

We work with young people within apprenticeship settings who may require additional support or adaptations to complete their apprenticeship. We work with young people with and without EHC plans, and will work with the young people you want us to work with.

Where do our services take place?

Our services can take place within apprenticeship settings and in our clinics across Greater Manchester, whichever is most appropriate. Services related to assessing environments and adaptations are best taking place within apprenticeship settings.

When would an apprenticeship setting require input from EHP?

There are various reasons when an apprenticeship setting would require input from EHP. Our multidisciplinary education and health team may be used by apprenticeship settings because:

  • An apprentice has an EHC plan
  • Specialist input is required
  • An environmental assessment/review is necessary
  • We have been recommended

Our specialist education and health services assist apprenticeship settings in meeting the needs of their apprentices.

Our services for apprenticeship settings are bespoke according to needs. We support each individual and apprenticeship setting in creating a positive, inclusive environment to maximise wellbeing, potential and progress. To find out more or to arrange a visit to your setting please email us on .

Get in touch

If you would like to find out more about the services we offer or to book a free initial discussion then please contact us on email

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