Counselling psychology

We provide counselling psychology services to all education settings, including: post-16 settings, secondary schools, primary schools and early years settings.

What is counselling psychology?

Counselling psychology enables positive change within an individual through taking a holistic approach based in psychological theory. Our counselling psychologists work with children and young people with a broad range of psychological, mental and emotional difficulties within education settings through a range of therapeutic approaches.

Counselling psychologists work with both adults and children across a diverse range of issues, such as bereavement, relationships, mental health problems, etc, and aim to explore the underlying causes behind them.

Who provides our counselling psychology services?

Our counselling psychology services are provided by HCPC registered counselling psychologists and supervised assistant psychologists.

We're registered

EHP is registered with all major professional memberships.

What counselling psychology services do we offer?

Our counselling psychology services include therapeutic assessments and interventions in addition to training and consultations.

What interventions and groups can our counselling psychology team provide?

Therapeutic interventions and groups provided by our counselling psychology team are bespoke according to the needs identified. Mental health, psychological, emotional and life difficulties can all be supported through our counselling psychology interventions and groups.

Commission EHP

Our specialist multidisciplinary services can be commissioned through a service level agreement and as standalone input.

What training do our counselling psychology team offer?

Our counselling psychology team offer training in relation to various needs and challenges associated with psychological, emotional and mental health difficulties within education settings and various age ranges. Training can increase knowledge, teach counselling psychology-informed strategies and improve mental health and emotional wellbeing.

Do we take a whole school approach?

Our counselling psychology team provide services which take a whole school approach. Whole school approaches are beneficial in creating long-lasting sustainable positive changes. Examples of the whole school approaches we provide include:

  • Identifying needs within an education setting
  • Setting up provisions (such as counselling)
  • Working with families and communities
  • Consultancy
  • Training
  • Reviews and audits

Please contact us by emailing to find out more about our whole school approaches.

Who we work with

Our specialist services can be accessed by education, health and other professions working with children and young people.

Which children and young people do we work with?

EHP's counselling psychology team works with children and young people who are experiencing:

  • Mental health difficulties
  • Challenging life events
  • Emotional difficulties
  • Psychological difficulties

Our input is most effective when the child or young person is actively involved in requesting support.

Counselling psychology services provide therapeutic support for children and young people who are experiencing challenging circumstances within their life. Encouraging positive change through supporting psychological, emotional and mental wellbeing benefits children, young people and education settings through maximising potential.


Our services can be funded through a variety of ways.

Next steps

  • Step 1.Interested?
  • Step 2.Request more information
  • Step 3.Commission EHP

Therapists have important and specific roles in supporting children and young people with SEN or disabilities, working directly with children and young people, advising and training education staff and setting programmes for implementation at home and in school.

SEND code of practice (2015)

'Social and emotional wellbeing' encompasses:

  • happiness, confidence and not feeling depressed (emotional wellbeing)
  • a feeling of autonomy and control over one's life, problem-solving skills, resilience, attentiveness and a sense of involvement with others (psychological wellbeing)
  • the ability to have good relationships with others and to avoid disruptive behaviour, delinquency, violence or bullying (social wellbeing).

NICE - Social and emotional wellbeing in secondary education

Get in touch

If you would like to find out more about the services we offer or to book a free initial discussion then please contact us on email

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