Our Early Access Social, Communication and Development Team support all children and young people displaying SEMH needs alongside their primary need of social, communication and development needs. We will ensure that the child or young person is seen by the most appropriate professional through our triage process.
EHP's triage process involves a single point of referral to the Early Access Teams, and following referral a member of our team will ensure that each child and young person is seen by the most appropriate team.
EHP's Early Access Social, Communication and Development Team maximises the emotional wellbeing and SEMH of children and young people with a primary area of need related to social, communication and development. EHP's Early Access Social, Communication and Development Team take a holistic approach and facilitate early intervention to promote positive mental health and emotional wellbeing.
Improving understanding and awareness of SEMH needs in relation to social, communication and development promotes an inclusive environment to support children and young people in living a happy, healthy and fulfilled life.
Children with communication needs can also experience additional barriers including:
Supporting looked after children with communication needs
Our Early Access Social, Communication and Development Team has a range of specialists, including:
The mix of specialists within the team ensure that all primary and secondary needs will be assessed and addressed by the most appropriate member of the team.
EHP is registered with all major professional memberships.
EHP's Early Access Social, Communication and Development Team supports children and young people whose primary area of need is related to social, communication and development needs with secondary SEMH difficulties. Children and young people who our team work with may have or display:
EHP's Early Access Social, Communication and Development Team works with children and young people with social, communication and development needs, including:
EHP's specialist Early Access Social, Communication and Development Team assess children and young people to identify needs. When needs have been identified then they can be addressed effectively.
Communication needs are central to and common in association with a range of impairments including general learning difficulty; autistic spectrum disorder, syndromes such as Down's syndrome, sensory impairment (hearing, visual or multi-sensory), cerebral palsy, dyslexia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and selective mutism.
Supporting looked after children with communication needs
Our specialist services can be accessed by education, health and other professions working with children and young people.
EHP's Early Access Social, Communication and Development Team offer a variety of screening and assessments to identify SEMH needs within children and young people who have a primary area of need related to social, communication or development. Screening and assessments may require adaptations or a dynamic approach due to the communication and development needs. Our team can train education staff in carrying out and interpreting screening related to SEMH needs as part of our cost effective service, or we can assign the appropriate professional should adaptations need to made.
Early identification and intervention is particularly important for individuals who have social, communication and development needs as there is an increased risk of SEMH within this group. This is because primary social, communication and development needs are associated with, or can mask, SEMH difficulties. Our specialists can accurately identify and address needs before they escalate.
For children's wellbeing and mental health to be supported in a school environment, it is
essential that any communication and interaction needs that they have are identified and supported.
Communication and interaction skills are fundamental and foundational. They enable us to
understand and to be understood. They are central to our wellbeing and mental health. They
play a crucial role in our development, our ability to form relationships, our educational
achievement, social interaction, and life chances.
Many children with social, emotional and mental health needs (SEMH) also have communication and interaction difficulties. These difficulties are often undetected.
Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists, Supporting children's wellbeing and mental health in a school environment, 2017
EHP's Early Access Social, Communication and Development Team deliver and support a broad range of cost effective interventions to maximise an individual's potential and promote their emotional wellbeing. Our professionals will share support strategies with an appropriate member of school staff to offer intervention to the individual or group.
Interventions can be individual and group-based, the type of interventions chosen will be based on the individual child, young person or group.
Evidence shows that an effective approach to promote positive behaviour, social development and self-esteem is to couple positive classroom management techniques with one to one or small group sessions to help pupils identify coping strategies.
Mental health and behaviour in schools, 2015
There is a large evidence base for the effectiveness of comprehensive whole school approaches with a focus on improving SEMH and wellbeing.
Evidence shows that interventions taking a whole school approach to wellbeing have a positive impact in relation to both physical health and mental wellbeing outcomes.
Future in mind, 2015
Our Early Access Social, Communication and Development Team can incorporate social, communication and developmental aspects into the whole school approach. Examples of the whole school work our team can do are:
Implementing whole school changes have long-term, sustainable impact across many areas of wellbeing and learning within your education setting.
Our specialist Early Access Social, Communication and Development Team deliver a broad range of training, including:
The above list is not exhaustive, so if you have a training idea in mind then don't hesitate to get in touch. At EHP our professionals also design and deliver bespoke training to address the needs present within your education setting.
EHP's Early Access Social, Communication and Development Team brings many benefits to education settings through its unique approach to specific areas of need alongside associated SEMH needs. As a specialist team we:
Our Early Access Social, Communication and Development Team reduce challenges related to SEMH needs in addition to supporting children and young people in maximising their potential through taking a holistic approach.
School-based programmes of social and emotional learning have the potential to help young people acquire the skills they need to make good academic progress. [School-based SEMH programmes] also produce benefits to pupils' health and wellbeing, offering a significant return for the resource and time investment by schools to establish such programmes.
Ofsted has identified a strong correlation between schools that achieved a high grade for personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE) and those that were graded outstanding for overall effectiveness.
The link between pupil health and wellbeing and attainment, 2014
Yes, in addition to our Looked After Team and Adoption Team our Early Access Social, Communication and Development Team includes professionals who are specialists in the complex needs of children and young people with looked after status or who have been adopted.
Referring to our Early Access Social, Communication and Development Team is swift and simple. Education providers can refer to our SEMHS services over the phone or online. A member of our team will then oversee the referral to ensure that each child and young person receives the most appropriate support. If you would like to find out more about our referral and triage process then please get in touch to talk to a member of our team.
Our services can be funded through a variety of ways.
Our Early Access Social, Communication and Development Team provides support for primary needs alongside SEMH needs. By focusing on both areas of need, challenges faced within the education setting will be reduced whilst maximising a child or young person's potential.
Our specialist multidisciplinary services can be commissioned through a service level agreement and as standalone input.
If you would like to find out more about the services we offer or to book a free initial discussion then please contact us on email office@ehp.org.uk
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