School, Parent and Family Team

Our School, Parent and Family Team provides a broad range of training opportunities to educate parents, carers and school staff about social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) and what can be done to help improve the outcomes for all children and young people.

What is the School, Parent and Family Team?

EHP's School, Parent and Family Team improves relationships and co-operation through bringing the school, parents and families together to support children and young people. Our team promotes person centred planning as stated in the SEND code of practice (2015).

We're registered

EHP is registered with all major professional memberships.

[Education settings should] Work in partnership with parents, carers and other family members to promote young people's social and emotional wellbeing.

NICE - Social and emotional wellbeing in secondary education

What does EHP's School, Parent and Family Team do?

EHP's School, Parent and Family Team provide training and workshops to parents, carers and education settings to improve the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people through a consistent knowledge base and similar strategies.

Who do we work with?

Our School, Parent and Family Team provide services to parents, carers and all education settings, including:

  • Early years settings
  • Primary schools
  • Secondary schools
  • Mainstream education settings
  • Specialist education settings
  • Maintained education settings
  • Non-maintained education settings
  • Pupil referral units (PRUs)
  • Post-16 settings

Education settings may require our input when:

  • They require an impartial party to provide information
  • They need a graduated approach in both home and education settings
  • Supporting assess-plan-do-review cycles
  • They need parent courses

We can provide bespoke training to help improve understanding in relation to SEND provision, resources and conditions.

Who we work with

Our specialist services can be accessed by education, health and other professions working with children and young people.

What work can our School, Parent and Family Team deliver in education settings?

Our School, Parent and Family Team provide a complete service to support information sharing and training to both the education and home setting. Our training sessions are appropriate to parents, carers and all school staff. Examples of work our team deliver in education settings include:

  • Accessible training for parents, carers and education staff
  • Shared specialist resources
  • Bespoke preparation for school courses
  • Extending interventions to the home setting
  • Shared professional knowledge
  • Impartial third party guidance
  • Advising on SEND provision in the home and education setting
  • Helping to support children and young people to deal with difficult emotions and anxiety
  • Helping parents and carers to understand the EHC process and plan

Our School, Parent and Family Team are specialists in their areas and are able to deliver services according to your needs.

Work with parents/carers and families can add strength and depth, and has been shown to have a significant impact in making approaches and specific interventions more effective, both by helping family life reinforce the messages of the school, and through helping parents and carers develop their own parenting skills and attitudes. The school has an important part to play in supporting the kind of parenting and family life that boosts well-being.

What works in promoting social and emotional well-being and responding to mental health problems in schools?

What training can our School, Parent and Family Team deliver to education settings, parents and carers?

Our School, Parent and Family Team deliver a broad range of training to education settings, parents and carers in order to bring home and school together. Examples of specific training our School, Parent and Family Team deliver, are:

  • Behaviour management
  • How to better identify SEMH problems
  • How to build successful relationships
  • Condition-specific training (Dyslexia etc)
  • Helpful and positive reporting for parents and carers
  • SEND at home

In order to support all needs our School, Parent and Family Team design and deliver bespoke training sessions according to specific requirements.


Our training is available on and off site for education settings and organisations in relation to health, psychology and education.

What targeted group work can our School, Parent and Family Team deliver to parents and carers?

Our School, Parent and Family Team can deliver a broad range of targeted groups to parents and carers, including:

  • Mental health, parents and carers
  • Webster-Stratton
  • Triple P
  • Helping parents and carers to understand children's emotions
  • Parental training for emotional literacy

Bespoke training groups are also available. To find out more about the targeted group work we offer please get in touch now.

The Ofsted inspection criteria expects schools to be engaging parents in supporting pupils' achievement, behaviour and safety and their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.

Promoting children and young people's emotional health and wellbeing, 2015

What packages do our School, Parent and Family Team offer to benefit education settings?

Offering packages of support enables your education setting to receive the most effective services for your needs. Support packages can include a combination of the following:

  • Training
  • Workshops
  • Drop-ins
  • Sessions regarding how education settings can work effectively with parents
  • Reports

Our School, Parent and Family Team facilitate co-operation and shared outcomes between education settings, parents, carers and families in order to maximise children and young people's potential.

Do we carry out assessments and interventions?

No, our School, Parent and Family Team provide training services. Individual assessments related to social, emotional and mental health can be requested through our Early Access Teams and our wider SEMHS teams. To learn more about specific training services provided by our School, Parent and Family Team please get in touch.

Evidence shows that if parents/carers can be supported to better manage their children's behaviour, alongside work being carried out with the child at school, there is a much greater likelihood of success in reducing the child's problems, and in supporting their academic and emotional development.

Mental health and behaviour in schools, 2016

What are the benefits of our onsite School, Parent and Family Team input?

There are many benefits of using our School, Parent and Family Team in your education setting. Examples of the benefits of our School, Parent and Family Team's input are:

  • Improved participation in SEND provision from schools, parents and families
  • Bringing school and home closer together
  • Reduced demands on schools
  • Increase in mutual understanding of provision and needs
  • Improved emotional wellbeing for child, young person, parents, carers, families and school staff
  • Improved understanding of processes
  • Improved understanding of each other's roles
  • More realistic expectations
  • Improved outcomes for the child, young person, school, parent and family

Our School, Parent and Family Team are flexible to needs and circumstances in order to bring relevant benefits to parents, carers and education settings.

Next steps

  • Step 1.Interested?
  • Step 2.Request more information
  • Step 3.Commission EHP


Our services can be funded through a variety of ways.

How can you access our School, Parent and Family Team's services?

You can access our School, Parent and Family Team's services through contacting us by phone or email.

Our School, Parent and Family Team can be commissioned through a service level agreement and on a standalone basis depending on your requirements.

Our School, Parent and Family Team improves communication, understanding and co-operation between the education and home setting. There are a broad range of specialist services our School, Parent and Family Team offer to education settings to support needs and requirements.

Commission EHP

Our specialist multidisciplinary services can be commissioned through a service level agreement and as standalone input.

Get in touch

If you would like to find out more about the services we offer or to book a free initial discussion then please contact us on email

Find out more

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