Sensory and/or physical needs

Physical impairment

We provide specialist teaching services related to the learning needs of individuals who have a physical impairment to help maximise potential.

What is specialist teaching of physical impairment?

Specialist teaching of physical impairment varies on a case by case basis as physical impairments impact learning in different ways. Our specialist teachers of physical impairment work towards making the curriculum as accessible as possible so that children and young people maximise their potential and are fully supported in their learning. Making the curriculum accessible could include the use of specialist equipment, adaptations to teaching materials or the use of specific learning strategies bespoke to the child or young person.

Sensory and/or physical needs
Some children and young people require special educational provision because they have a disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of the educational facilities generally provided. These difficulties can be age related and may fluctuate over time.

Some children and young people with a physical disability (PD) require additional ongoing support and equipment to access all the opportunities available to their peers.

SEND code of practice, 2015

What specialist teaching services do we offer in relation to physical impairment?

We offer a broad range of specialist teaching services in relation to physical impairment, including:

  • Screening
  • Assessment
  • 1-to-1 intervention
  • Group work
  • Training
  • Consultancy
  • Systemic work
  • Sensory work

Physical impairment can be lifelong or temporary, and our services support both types of physical impairment. If you require a service which is not included in the list above then please get in touch to find out how we can help.

What interventions and groups can our physical impairment specialist teachers provide?

  • Fine motor
  • Gross motor
  • Balance and co-ordination
  • Accessible games and activities
  • Stretching and mobility
  • Manual handling (hoisting)
  • Restraint training
  • Strengthening
  • Sensory
  • De-sensitisation
  • Functional skills

Who we work with

Our specialist services can be accessed by education, health and other professions working with children and young people.

What consultancy do we provide?

Our specialist physical impairment teachers provide consultancy on an individual, group and whole school level. Examples of consultancy services we offer include:

  • Provision review
  • Setting up provision
  • Curriculum adaptations
  • Alternative curriculums
  • Reducing risk
  • Using ICT

If you would like to speak to a member of our team about specialist teaching consultancy in relation to physical impairment then please get in touch to find out how we can help you.

What training do our physical impairment specialist teachers offer?

Our physical impairment specialist teachers offer a broad range of training, including:

  • Moving and handling
  • Physical and learning needs
  • Emotional wellbeing
  • Sensory curriculums
  • Sensory integration

In addition to the above courses we provide bespoke training, and external CPD events.


Our training is available on and off site for education settings and organisations in relation to health, psychology and education.

[Education settings] must make reasonable adjustments, including the provision of auxiliary aids and services, to ensure that disabled children and young people are not at a substantial disadvantage compared with their peers. This duty is anticipatory – it requires thought to be given in advance to what disabled children and young people might require and what adjustments might need to be made to prevent that disadvantage

SEND code of practice (2015)

Do we take a whole school approach?

We take a whole school approach within all of our specialisms as it increases understanding of needs among education staff. Taking a whole school approach integrates strategies and policies whilst promoting inclusion.

Which children and young people do we work with?

We work with children and young people with all levels of physical impairment. Examples of physical impairment we support include:

  • Cerebral palsy
  • Childhood arthritis
  • Multiple-sclerosis (MS)
  • Spina bifida
  • Muscular dystrophy

Physical impairment may be temporary, such as broken bones, and we also work with these impairments. If you require our services in relation to a physical impairment which is not listed above then please get in touch to see how we can help.

Next steps

  • Step 1.Interested?
  • Step 2.Request more information
  • Step 3.Commission EHP

What are the benefits of using our specialist physical impairment teachers?

The benefits of using our specialist physical impairment teachers can be seen on an individual, targeted and whole school level. Our specialist teachers:

  • Increase understanding and knowledge
  • Narrow the attainment gap
  • Maximise potential

Input from our specialist physical impairment teachers can lead to sustainable and long-lasting benefits within an education setting.


Our services can be funded through a variety of ways.

Our physical impairment specialist teaching services benefit children, young people and education staff. To appropriately support physical impairment needs within a context of education, needs must first be identified.

Commission EHP

Our specialist multidisciplinary services can be commissioned through a service level agreement and as standalone input.

Get in touch

If you would like to find out more about the services we offer or to book a free initial discussion then please contact us on email

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