Our specialist education and health services make the role of SENCO easier through providing integrated and co-ordinated onsite services. Our services cover all areas of SEND and all levels of need. We support the children and young people SENCOs want us to work with.

How do we work with SENCOs?

We work in partnership with SENCOs to meet SEND requirements. In addition to our education and health services, we also provide specialist SENCO services to assist SENCOs in their roles. Throughout our approach we provide a flexible service that adapts to the needs of the child, young person and education setting. As a team we understand the needs of SENCOs and their colleagues.


Our training is available on and off site for education settings and organisations in relation to health, psychology and education.

How can SENCOs commission our services?

SENCOs can commission all of our specialist education and health services through a service level agreement, and on a standalone basis. To arrange a free visit to discuss your needs and requirements please email and we can discuss a bespoke service package to suit needs and requirements.

Free initial discussion

We provide a free initial discussion as part of our cost effective service for education settings and organisations we have not previously worked with.

How can SENCOs refer to our specialist education and health services?

Referring to our education and health services can be done in a variety of ways, including online , via emailing Our referral process is short and swift.

What are the benefits of using EHP?

There are many benefits of using EHP in education settings, and these can be seen on an individual, targeted and whole school level. The benefits of our services include:

  • Immediate access to specialist education and health professionals
  • Bespoke services
  • An integrated and co-ordinated approach between professionals
  • Early identification of needs
  • Early intervention
  • Flexible services

Price promise

We are happy to discuss how we can match or better any existing education and health provision you may be currently receiving from either the local authority or another provider.

Which children and young people do we work with?

We work with children and young people aged 0-25 with all areas and levels of SEND. We have an open referral policy meaning that we can work with the individuals SENCOs want us to work with.

Where do our services take place?

Our specialist services take place onsite to facilitate co-ordination and integration between our professionals and education settings'. Onsite appointments reduces absences caused by attending external education and health appointments and promotes the sharing of good practice.

When would SENCOs require input from EHP?

There are many reasons SENCOs would require input from EHP. Reasons SENCOs require input from EHP may include:

  • The need for an integrated multidisciplinary service
  • Specialist, targeted and whole school needs
  • Training
  • Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans' requirements
  • Recommendations from professionals, parents or carers
  • An increase in social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) needs
  • Non-statutory requirements
  • Needs identification


Our services can be funded through a variety of ways.

Our specialist education and health professionals provide a broad range of input to education settings. Our services support SENCOs in maximising the potential of children and young people in their setting. To arrange a free initial discussion in your setting, or to find out more please email

Get in touch

If you would like to find out more about the services we offer or to book a free initial discussion then please contact us on email

Find out more

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