Post-16 education settings

Our specialist education and health services are available to all post-16 education settings or training organisations.

We work with all types of post-16 education providers. Find out more about how we work with:

We also work directly with education professionals in addition to settings and organisations.

What services do we provide to post-16 education settings?

All of our services can be provided to post-16 education or training settings, including statutory, non-statutory and therapeutic work. Our services are available for all areas of SEND and all levels of need, and can be used on an individual, group or systemic level. We also provide assessments for the disabled students' allowance (DSA). Please get in touch if you would like to talk to a member of our team about the services we provide to post-16 education settings.


Our services can be funded through a variety of ways.

Does EHP work jointly with professionals from the local authority and NHS?

EHP's professionals work with professionals from the local authority, NHS and private services. Working with other professionals helps us to take a holistic and joined-up approach to SEND within education settings. Working jointly with professionals from other agencies also means that we are able to extend interventions or services beyond the original scope.

How would post-16 education settings benefit from our education and health services?

There are many ways that post-16 education settings would benefit from our specialist education and health services, including:

  • Joined-up, co-ordinated services
  • Immediate access to specialists
  • Bespoke and flexible packages to suit all budgets
  • Value for money services and packages
  • Services tailored for post-16 settings

Our multidisciplinary service provides an integrated, seamless approach to education and health needs within post-16 settings.

How can post-16 education settings commission our services?

All of our services are available through a service level agreement  and on a standalone basis . Our service level agreements can include one service or multiple, we would discuss a setting's needs in order to create a bespoke support package inline with all budgets. To arrange a meeting to discuss a service level agreement, or to find out more please contact us by emailing .

FE colleges, sixth form colleges, 16-19 academies and independent specialist colleges approved under Section 41 of the Children and Families Act 2014 (the Act) have the following specific statutory duties:

  • The duty to have regard to this Code of Practice
  • The duty to use their best endeavours to secure the special educational provision that the young person needs. This duty applies to further education colleges, sixth form colleges and 16-19 academies. Its purpose is to ensure that providers give the right support to their students with SEN. It does not apply to independent specialist colleges or special schools, as their principal purpose is to provide for young people with SEN. They must fulfil this duty for students with SEN whether or not the students have EHC plans.

This duty applies in respect of students with SEN up to age 25 in further education, including those aged between 14 and 16 recruited directly by colleges. The duty encompasses students on a wide variety of study programmes (including some on short programmes) and at every level from entry level upwards.

SEND code of practice (2015)

Get in touch

If you would like to find out more about the services we offer or to book a free initial discussion then please contact us on email

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