SEN schools

We work with maintained and non-maintained SEN schools to provide a broad range of specialist education and health services onsite.

What services do we provide to SEN schools?

Our services are all accessible to SEN schools and can be separated into the following categories:

All of our services are available on an individual, group and systemic levels. All levels and areas of need can access our assessments, interventions, training and consultancy services.

How do we work with SEN schools?

We work in partnership with SEN schools through extending existing provision and providing non-statutory, therapeutic services. Our education and health specialists work with professionals from private services, the local authority and the NHS to provide holistic services. Our co-ordinated, flexible and bespoke services are available for all areas and levels of need within a SEN school. Through service level agreements  SEN schools can access our services and attend EHP events, including training events. In addition to providing bespoke training to schools, we also run various CPD events throughout the year.


Our training is available on and off site for education settings and organisations in relation to health, psychology and education.

How can SEN schools commission our services?

SEN schools can commission our services on a standalone basis  or through a service level agreement . Commissioning through a service level agreement makes it easier to be flexible between specialisms and services required. To arrange a meeting to discuss a bespoke service level agreement please get in touch and talk to a member of our team.

How can SEN schools refer to our specialist education and health services?

SEN schools can refer to our specialist education and health services online , via email on


Our services can be funded through a variety of ways.

What are the benefits of using EHP?

There are many benefits of using EHP within a SEN school. The biggest benefit is the fact that we could provide the majority of education and health services, making co-ordination between professionals simple in addition to a flexible shared service. Extra benefits to our service include:

  • Provide a broad range of non-statutory specialist services
  • Deliver bespoke provision
  • Extend and adapt current provision
  • Co-ordinate between specialists
  • Work in partnership with school, professionals and parents/carers
  • Provide instant access to education and health services
  • Take a proactive and innovative approach

Price promise

We are happy to discuss how we can match or better any existing education and health provision you may be currently receiving from either the local authority or another provider.

Which children and young people do we work with?

Here at EHP we have an open referral policy, meaning that we will see the children and young people that you would like us to work with. Our work with children and young people can involve identifying needs, addressing needs or maximising their potential. We work with children and young people whose needs may have changed, who require multiple specialist input and may not be reaching their potential. We want to help all children and young people to lead happy, healthy and fulfilled lives.

Where do our services take place?

Our services usually take place onsite within school to increase flexibility and the opportunities to work together. Some of our services may be more appropriate offsite, for example if specialist equipment is required such as a hydrotherapy pool. We have access to specialist equipment and multiple clinic locations across Greater Manchester.

When would a SEN school require input from EHP?

SEN schools receive statutory services from the local authority and NHS, so our input would mainly be used to provide non-statutory and therapeutic services. SEN schools may require input from EHP if they are currently receiving external services from multiple sources. Co-ordination is made easier when each specialist communicates and co-ordinates within a single service. Other reasons to use EHP include:

  • A co-ordinated approach between education and health professionals
  • Instant access to specialists
  • An open referral policy
  • Instant access to specialist education and health services
  • Consultancy services from a range of specialists

Our professionals work together to maximise the potential of children and young people so they can live happy, healthy and fulfilled lives. Integrating education and health services helps to maintain high expectations for children and young people attending a maintained SEND school.

The leaders of early years settings, schools and colleges should establish and maintain a culture of high expectations that expects those working with children and young people with SEN or disabilities to include them in all the opportunities available to other children and young people so they can achieve well.

Local authorities should be ambitious for children and young people with SEN, raising their aspirations and promoting high expectations about what they can achieve in school, college and beyond. Local authorities should ensure children and young people have access to the right support and opportunities that will prepare them successfully for adulthood by helping them achieve the agreed outcomes in their EHC plan. This will enable many more young people with SEN to complete their formal education.

SEND code of practice (2015)

Free initial discussion

We provide a free initial discussion as part of our cost effective service for education settings and organisations we have not previously worked with.

We provide an integrated approach to education and health whilst supporting schools in taking a graduated approach. Our services can be accessed on an individual, group and whole school level to suit all needs and requirements. To use our services, to book a meeting or to find out more please email us on .

Get in touch

If you would like to find out more about the services we offer or to book a free initial discussion then please contact us on email

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