
Our specialist education and health services are available to all schools and education settings.

We work with all types of schools. Find out more about how we work with:

We also work directly with education professionals.

Every school is required to identify and address the SEN of the pupils that they support. Mainstream schools, which...includes maintained schools and academies that are not special schools, maintained nursery schools, 16 to 19 academies, alternative provision academies and Pupil Referral Units (PRUs), must:

  • Use their best endeavours to make sure that a child with SEN gets the support they need – this means doing everything they can to meet children and young people's SEN
    ensure that children and young people with SEN engage in the activities of the school alongside pupils who do not have SEN
  • Designate a teacher to be responsible for co-ordinating SEN provision – the SEN co-ordinator, or SENCO (this does not apply to 16 to 19 academies)
  • Inform parents when they are making special educational provision for a child
    prepare an SEN information report...and their arrangements for the admission of disabled children, the steps being taken to prevent disabled children from being treated less favourably than others, the facilities provided to enable access to the school for disabled children and their accessibility plan showing how they plan to improve access progressively over time

SEND code of practice (2015)

What services do we provide to schools?

All of our services can be provided to schools, including statutory, non-statutory and therapeutic work. Our services are available for all levels of need, and can be used on an individual, group and systemic level. The scope for statutory work will vary between specialisms, if you have any questions about statutory and non-statutory services then please get in touch.

Price promise

We are happy to discuss how we can match or better any existing education and health provision you may be currently receiving from either the local authority or another provider.

Does EHP work jointly with professionals from the local authority and NHS?

We work with all education, health and social care professionals, including the local authority, the NHS and private services. Working with other professionals means that we can provide an efficient, joined-up service in order to maximise children and young people's potential. Working with the local authority and the NHS means that we are able to extend services or interventions beyond a certain time frame.


Our training is available on and off site for education settings and organisations in relation to health, psychology and education.

How would schools benefit from our education and health services?

Schools benefit from our specialist education and health services in a number of ways, including:

  • Immediate access to specialists
  • Joined-up, co-ordinated services
  • Accessible services
  • Flexible, bespoke packages
  • Value for money services

Using a multidisciplinary team reduces the need for repeating information or co-ordinating meetings between specialists.


Our services can be funded through a variety of ways.

How can schools commission our services?

Our services are available on a standalone basis and through a service level agreement. Commissioning our services is simple and can be done via email on , online . When EHP services are commissioned through a service level agreement the full impact of using a multidisciplinary team can be seen. Read more how we work together. 

Free initial discussion

We provide a free initial discussion as part of our cost effective service for education settings and organisations we have not previously worked with.

Our specialist education and health professionals work in partnership with schools and each other to provide a comprehensive service. If you would like to talk to a member of our team, or would like more information then please get in touch.

Get in touch

If you would like to find out more about the services we offer or to book a free initial discussion then please contact us on email

Find out more

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