Our services can be separated into the following categories:
Services can be commissioned in an isolated specialism or in multiple. Our specialists work as part of a multidisciplinary team to provide a comprehensive service for all areas and levels of need within an academy and academy trusts. Each specialism provides assessments, interventions, training and consultancy on an individual, group and systemic level.
We work onsite with academies and academy trusts to provide a consistent and flexible service. Through a service level agreement , academies and academy trusts have access to all of our services as well as EHP events. We work in partnership with education settings to provide the most appropriate services for your needs. Working together across an academy trust allows a consistent approach and shared access to resources and specialists. In addition to our onsite, bespoke services we also run regular CPD events throughout the year for education professionals.
Our training is available on and off site for education settings and organisations in relation to health, psychology and education.
Academies and academy trusts can commission our services on a standalone basis and through a bespoke service level agreement . When commissioning our services through a service level agreement it can be done across a trust, or within separate academies. To arrange a meeting to discuss a bespoke service level agreement please get in touch via email on office@ehp.org.uk to talk to a member of our team.
Our services can be funded through a variety of ways.
Academy trusts can refer to our specialist education and health services online , through emailing office@ehp.org.uk . We have an open referral policy meaning that we see children and young people with all areas and levels of need.
Using EHP brings many benefits to academies and academy trusts, education staff, children and young people. Benefits to using our services include:
We are happy to discuss how we can match or better any existing education and health provision you may be currently receiving from either the local authority or another provider.
Our services take place onsite within academies and academy trusts. Read about how we work with:
There may be times when it is not appropriate or convenient for a service to take place within a school, in these cases we have multiple clinic locations across Greater Manchester.
Academies and academy trusts could require input from EHP for a broad range of reasons. Examples of why academies and academy trusts would use our services include:
EHP provides input to not only help children and young people to maximise their potential, but also to support schools in fulfilling their duties as stated in the SEND code of practice (2015).
Where a pupil is identified as having SEN, schools should take action to remove barriers to learning and put effective special educational provision in place. This SEN support should take the form of a four-part cycle through which earlier decisions and actions are revisited, refined and revised with a growing understanding of the pupil's needs and of what supports the pupil in making good progress and securing good outcomes. This is known as the graduated approach.
We provide a free initial discussion as part of our cost effective service for education settings and organisations we have not previously worked with.
Our graduated approach to SEND includes an individual, group and systemic approach. Supporting children and young people with SEND is simple when using an integrated specialist service. If you would like to talk to a member of our team about using our services, or to find out more, please contact us via email on office@ehp.org.uk .
If you would like to find out more about the services we offer or to book a free initial discussion then please contact us on email office@ehp.org.uk
EHP © Copyright 2025. ALL Rights Reserved.
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