Pupil referral units (PRUs)

We work with pupil referral units (PRUs) to maximise the potential of children and young people and help them to live happy, healthy and fulfilled lives.

What services do we provide to pupil referral units (PRUs)?

All of our education and health services are provided to PRUs on an individual, group and systemic level. Our services can be separated into the following categories:

All of our services are accessible for all areas and levels of need to support early identification and intervention. Our multidisciplinary team means that various specialists work together to appropriately identify and address needs.

How do we work with PRUs?

We work in partnership with PRUs and the existing school of a child or young person to facilitate a transition back into their education setting in addition to helping to identify and address needs. Taking a solution focused and needs led approach along with flexible services helps us to support the needs of children, young people and education staff. Our services are immediately accessible for all areas and levels of need and can be used to extend existing provision through non-statutory and therapeutic services. We work with PRU staff and professionals from external services such as the local authority and the NHS. Through working together we can take a holistic approach. In addition to our bespoke onsite services we also run regular CPD events throughout the year.

  • Disruptive behaviour can be an indication of unmet needs. Where a school has concerns about a pupil's behaviour, it should try to identify whether there are any causal factors and intervene early in order to reduce the need for a subsequent exclusion. In this situation, schools should consider whether a multi-agency assessment that goes beyond the pupil's educational needs is required.
  • Schools should have a strategy for reintegrating a pupil who returns to school following a fixed-period exclusion and for managing their future behaviour.

Exclusion from maintained schools, academies and pupil referral units in England (2017)

How can PRUs commission our services?

Commissioning our services can be done through a bespoke and flexible service level agreement or on a standalone basis. The environment and nature of a PRU is ever changing which is why our service level agreements are designed with your unique needs in mind. Within a service level agreement it is easy to use co-ordinated professionals from various specialisms in the way you need. When commissioning our services on a standalone basis you can choose individual or multiple areas of specialisms. To learn more about our service level agreements or to book a meeting, please get in touch and talk with a member of our team, or read more here.


Our services can be funded through a variety of ways.

How can PRUs refer to our specialist education and health services?

Referring to our specialist education and health services is quick and simple. Referrals can happen online, via emailing .

What are the benefits of using EHP?

Using EHP in a PRU brings many benefits due to our flexible, reliable and solution focused service. The benefits of using EHP in a PRU can be seen because we:

  • Provide instant access for all areas and levels of need
  • Co-ordinate between specialists
  • Extend and adapt current provision
  • Offer non-statutory and therapeutic services
  • Offer an integrated service between PRU and schools

Price promise

We are happy to discuss how we can match or better any existing education and health provision you may be currently receiving from either the local authority or another provider.

Which children and young people do we work with?

We have an open referral policy meaning that we will work with the children and young people you want us to work with. EHP is a needs led service, so we work according to the needs your children and young people have. Through appropriately identifying needs, we can work towards addressing them, helping children and young people to lead happy, healthy and fulfilled lives.

Where do our services take place?

Our services usually take place onsite at your PRU or the existing school, wherever is most appropriate. Working between the two settings promotes a partnership and co-operation with the best interests of the child or young person put first. There may be times when it is agreed that services take place away from a school setting, and if this is the case we have clinic locations across Greater Manchester.


Our training is available on and off site for education settings and organisations in relation to health, psychology and education.

When would a PRU require input from EHP?

A PRU would probably require input from EHP for non-statutory and therapeutic services, in addition to a multidisciplinary approach. Our education and health specialists are co-ordinated and work together to reach the best outcomes for all involved. EHP integrates education and health services to identify and address needs in order to maintain high expectations for children and young people in all education settings.

Free initial discussion

We provide a free initial discussion as part of our cost effective service for education settings and organisations we have not previously worked with.

All of our services can be accessed on an individual, group and systemic level to suit the changing needs and requirements within PRUs. To book a meeting or to use our services please email us on

Get in touch

If you would like to find out more about the services we offer or to book a free initial discussion then please contact us on email

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